Mensa Siedepunkt in Dresden

The Mensa Siedepunkt - which has been in the hands of the Studentenwerk Dresden since 1999 - is located inside the Drepunkt library on Zellescher Weg, opposite the main library SLUB (Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden). Initially conceived as a full-service restaurant, the facility was not able to meet the high demand following the recent opening of the SLUB. As a result, an outdoor seating area was created, and the indoor seating capacity increased. In addition, an automated dish return system is going to be introduced in the near future. A popular, costumer-focused facility with a seasonal and modern variety is evolving in accordance with its growing environment.
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General information

Address:Zellescher Weg 17, 01069 Dresden
Offers:three complete meals, one of which is meatless, various offers of salads and desserts, as well as an extensive cafeteria assortment
Food servings per day:nearly 1000
Seating:190 seats, plus an additional 60 in the outside area
History:Completion and grand opening in 1999

Opening hours and events Mensa Siedepunkt

In the following overview you will find the opening and closing times including current changes.

Mensa Siedepunkt - Currently changed opening hours

* kein Abendangebot *21.05.24 - 24.05.24Werte Gäste,
vom 21.05.2024 bis einschließlich 24.05.2024 gibt es kein Abendangebot in unserer Mensa.
* kein Abendangebot *am 05.06.24Werte Gäste,
am Mittwoch den 05.06.2024 gibt es kein Abendangebot in unserer Mensa.

Mensa Siedepunkt - Regular opening hours

Öffnungszeiten:Montag - Freitag 11:00 Uhr - 15:00 Uhr
MittagsangebotMontag - Freitag 11:00 Uhr - 14:30 Uhr
AbendangebotMontag - Freitag 17:30 Uhr - 20:00 Uhr
Essenausgabe 17:30 Uhr - 19:45 Uhr

The following table lists the current and upcoming campaign weeks of the Mensa Siedepunkt.

Mensa Siedepunkt - Current and future campaigns

Currently there are no information about campaigns available.

Contact persons for Mensa Siedepunkt

The following table lists the contact person for the Mensa Siedepunkt in Dresden.
For inquiries, praise or criticism, please use our central contact form.


Angelique Kurucz

Tel.: +49 351 4692561
Fax: +49 351 4701088


Jörg Bischoff

Map of Mensa Siedepunkt